Thursday, November 10, 2011

LINQ To LDAP: More Control

Currently paging and sorting controls will automatically be created for the by the framework. That's nice for most situations, but sometimes you need a little more control.

I added a WithControls extension method that allows you to specify as many additional DirectoryControls as necessary.

List<User> list = context.Query<User>()
    .WithControls(new DirectoryControl[]
                        new PageResultRequestControl(100)
                                IsCritical = true
                        new SortRequestControl(new[]{new SortKey("cn", null, true)})
                                IsCritical = true
                        new ShowDeletedControl
                                IsCritical = true

If you try to perform an OrderBy or ToPage operation while specifying your own via WithControls then an InvalidOperationException will be thrown.

One cool thing here is behind the scenes I still check if you're requesting a page so you can cast the resulting list as a LdapPage and get the cookie for the next page. And that's about it.


  1. I noticed that you specified multiple directory controls in your search request, specifically PageResultRequestControl and SortRequestControl. When i try to do the same the search completes successfully for the first page of results. However moving to the next page causes an error: "the server does not support the control".
    If i don't add the SortRequestControl and just do paging then everything works fine, and vice versa.
    Is there a trick to getting a paged search working with both these controls added to the search request?

  2. This seems to be a bug. If you use the filter produced from the LdapPage for a subsequent request, you'll get this error because the QueryTranslator is appending the object class twice. That is invalidating the page request since it's technically a different filter. Try using IgnoreOC in the second request and let me know if that works. I will create a task for this and should have a fix soon. Thanks for catching this!

  3. Great work really , please i have the same problem of "dfranzmann" , is this bug fixed

    I tried also your workaround but not working


  4. i found a solution to this problem , you must use the same DirectoryContext and don't create new one in the second request
