Monday, November 28, 2011

LINQ To LDAP: Logging

I've been working on logging in LINQ to LDAP recently. I added logging support for all requests as well as any errors that occur. I created an interface so that you can integrate your own logging providers.
public interface ILinqToLdapLogger
    bool TraceEnabled { get; }

    void Trace(string message);

    void Error(Exception ex, string message = null);
Trace is meant for logging query information. I check TraceEnabled before writing information via Trace. Error is always called when exception is encountered. I wasn't sure if I should add logging hooks for error since most projects will handle errors within their own applications, but I figured you could simply ignore calls to Error in your own implementations.

Out of the box I included a basic implementation:
public class SimpleTextLogger : ILinqToLdapLogger
    private readonly TextWriter _textWriter;

    public SimpleTextLogger(TextWriter textWriter)
        _textWriter = textWriter;
        TraceEnabled = true;

    public bool TraceEnabled { get; set; }

    public void Trace(string message)

    public void Error(Exception ex, string message = null)
        if (message != null) _textWriter.WriteLine(message);
        ObjectDumper.Write(ex, 0, _textWriter);
This is mainly used for debugging support, but it also serves as an example implementation. Here's another example using Common.Logging .Net which offers a lot more support for different logging frameworks:
public class CommonLogger : ILinqToLdapLogger
    private ILog _errorLog;
    private ILog _traceLog;

    public CommonLogger()
        _traceLog = LogManager.GetLogger("trace");
        _errorLog = LogManager.GetLogger("error");

    public void Trace(string message)

    public void Error(Exception ex, string message = null)
        _errorLog.Error(message, ex);

    public bool TraceEnabled
        get { return _traceLog.IsTraceEnabled; }
You can attach a log directly to a DirectoryContext or through the LdapConfiguration so it can be used with the ConncectionFactory as well. I'll go into more detail in my next post about the LdapConfiguration changes.
var context = new DirectoryContext() 
     Logger = new SimpleTextLogger(Console.Out)

var config = new LdapConfiguration()
     .LogTo(new SimpleTextLogger(Console.Out));

//will inject the logger for you
context = config.CreateContext();

Friday, November 11, 2011


LINQ to LDAP 2.0.2 has been released over at codeplex. I've also finally made the jump to NuGet. Happy day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

LINQ To LDAP: More Control

Currently paging and sorting controls will automatically be created for the by the framework. That's nice for most situations, but sometimes you need a little more control.

I added a WithControls extension method that allows you to specify as many additional DirectoryControls as necessary.

List<User> list = context.Query<User>()
    .WithControls(new DirectoryControl[]
                        new PageResultRequestControl(100)
                                IsCritical = true
                        new SortRequestControl(new[]{new SortKey("cn", null, true)})
                                IsCritical = true
                        new ShowDeletedControl
                                IsCritical = true

If you try to perform an OrderBy or ToPage operation while specifying your own via WithControls then an InvalidOperationException will be thrown.

One cool thing here is behind the scenes I still check if you're requesting a page so you can cast the resulting list as a LdapPage and get the cookie for the next page. And that's about it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

LINQ To LDAP: Closing in on 2.0

It's been a while since I've posted. I moved across town, took a vacation, and have just been generally busy. But I'm back and with a few updates about 2.0.

Since the last time I posted, I've made a few API changes and added quite a bit more mapping support. One thing I want to talk about is some tweaks to paging. I've covered ToPage and PageAll in a previous post. PageAll, however, is being deprecated in version 2.0. In it's place you can do this:
//will page all results when enumerated based on the server max page size from LdapConfiguration

//will create a page request for 10 results and stop there

//will page all the results in groups of 50

//will create a page request for 2 entries at a time up to a maximum of 10 results

In cases when the take size is smaller than the page size, take size will be used.

This is part of the trunk, but is not in the 2.0 beta 2 release. I've updated most of the documentation so you can see a lot of the new stuff over at the codeplex page. I'll also be adding this project to Nuget soon.